Don’t allow fear or self-doubt to stop you from becoming the artist you always wanted to be
Don’t allow fear or self-doubt to stop you from becoming the artist you always wanted to be
Next Painting Workshop
Starts Febrero 10th • Learn more here
Hi! I am Cynthia Mora, an artist, painter, and mentor.
It is my purpose to empower other women artists to embrace their artist souls and mentor them along this journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Beyond the studio, I am devoted to sharing the gifts and miracles of painting with those willing to receive them, guiding them in this ownership process. For over 25 years, I have been delighted to witness the transformation that comes from honoring the artist's soul and listening to its call with courage beyond self-doubt, fears, and negative beliefs.
My workshops, e-courses, and art retreats are designed to help you overcome all these nasty blocks empowering you to become the artist you always wanted to be. Being an artist is a calling and painting is a spiritual practice that allows you to connect with the deeper layers of your very core.